
Have you ever wanted something to happen RIGHT NOW but it seems to be blocked at every turn? Well, that’s what I’m going through right now. My husband and I were searching for a home to purchase. Sigh. I didn’t expect the process to be so difficult. I prayed and I knew it was God’s will that we buy a house. “SO WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG!?” Yes, I was whining. I felt like throwing a physical tantrum like my 4-year-old twins. My frustration was so overwhelming that I felt like simply giving up on this promise being fulfilled. At the height of my frustration, anger and disappointment, I sat still and quiet so I could hear from God. I needed help to understand what to do next. What I heard was “WAIT.” That’s not the answer I wanted hear but it’s exactly what I have to do.

The fact of the matter is that in many situations, we have no control over the outcome so we must wait. The choice we have is how we wait. Here are our choices…

W– Whine or Worry about the situation or Worship God for who He is

A– Align with His will or Allow anger to cause loss of focus

I– Interfere with the process or Invest time & energy in preparing for the blessing

T– Thank God in advance or Throw a tantrum

How will you wait?

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3



I opened my Bible app and this was the scripture of day…

Such confidence we have through Christ before God.  Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” 2 Corinthians 3: 4 & 5

Wow. I asked God to speak to me about confidence and He did just that!

True confidence comes from knowing who I am in God. Knowing that I am His creation and every thing He creates is good. So that means I’m good. Let me say that again. I’m good…JUST AS I AM. God created each of us as a unique design to fulfill a specific purpose. It is our job to seek His guidance on how to fulfill that purpose. He gave us gifts. No two gifts are the same because no two people are the same. I have struggled with comparing my gifts with others. I’ve said things like “I wish I could sing like her. I wish I could speak like him. I wish I could write like her. I wish I was that confident.” Making those comparisons was detrimental to my confidence. I have been so focused on what I’m not, that I’ve neglected who I am. I haven’t dedicated time to perfecting my gifts. I’ve been holding back rather than taking opportunities to share my gifts. Reading that scripture was an Aha moment for me. I’ve been afraid because it was all about me and not about God. If I am in His will, I will succeed. God has already provided me with everything I need to complete the task.

No more fear…

I’m free. Free to just be. Free to make mistakes. Free to fail. Free to succeed. Free to allow others to see me…the real me. Free to share who I am with any and every one.

Are you free?


I’m changing my mind

Well, we’ve entered into a new year! Everything around tells us that it’s the perfect time to change. Most women make the resolution to change their body by losing weight. How many of you have made that resolution? (Raising my hand). I choose to do something different this year. No weight loss resolution. I was looking at pictures of myself from about 7 years ago, before marriage and children. I was the size I’d LOVE to be right now. The irony is that I remember being just as critical of my body back then as I am now. Why? Because there’s a deeper issue I need to address. Confidence. I choose not to focus on my body this year. I will focus on my CONFIDENCE instead. Confidence is something I struggle with. I second guess myself constantly. I am self-critical. I am very hard on myself. I hate making mistakes. I am afraid to fail. I doubt God at times. Sometimes I don’t feel worthy of His blessings and favor. I want to increase confidence in myself and GOD. This focus is not a resolution or a goal, but a clear intention to live a life of confidence. A life of confidence is one that is lived without fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Hmmm, that sounds a lot like FAITH, doesn’t it? I believe confidence, like faith, is the key to success in every area of my life.

God created us for a unique purpose. We must put ourselves in a position to fulfill that purpose. Don’t worry so much about changing your body. Change your mind!

Confidence is my Achilles heel, what’s yours?

Psalms 139: 13-15 For “You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;…”
